New headquarter UNIMARCO

Dear business partner, let us please inform you hereby that change in administrative headquarter of UNIMARCO a.s. come into effect from 1st June 2017. Since that day, our new address sounds:
UNIMARCO a.s., 4.kvetna 678, 763 11 Zelechovice nad Drevnici, Czech republic.

Other company identifications like registration number, WAT number, account numbers as well as phone numbers remains the same as before. Present mutual commitments, contracts and financial obligation, …etc are not influenced and are fully valid.
Old address has been terminated and no longer exists. Further business correspondence, orders, confirmations and especially invoices has to be realised only with new address. Please take it to your kind consideration and share it inside your teams and above all with your bookkeeper and accountancy departments.

Commercial court withdrawal